






















  The integration and breakthrough

  of BIBA Education

  Academic team,

  management team year-end summary meeting

  Exploring the education of love and happiness for creating a bilingual messenger with an international heart, is the main theme of BIBA.The campus life of one academic year is coming to an end. At the end of the period, all the Chinese and Western teams of BIBA sit together to review the campus's wonderful environment and meditate on the future of international education in a diverse environment. In the process of integration, breakthrough, and "international education", we will write a "new chapter" in international education.

  China and the West are in harmony to create BIBA International Culture

  It can be seen that the great things of the ancients will be tolerant of everything with a broad mind. As an international bilingual school, the integration of China and the West is a problem for every institution.How to make the Chinese and Western management team and academic team, fit together to create a symbiotic cultural campus? From cultural coexistence to symbiosis and integration, BIBA Campus has a unique integration code.

  1.1 Consistent goal

    What is the "middle" in "Chinese-Western integration", what is "West"? What is the choice between "China" and "West" to become a more optimized way? Conference site, academic team? The teachers brought us the most realistic case.Taking the mathematics of the elementary school as an example, the primary school curriculum adopts the national standard curriculum and the American standard curriculum. In the course of the curriculum, the Chinese and Western education teams rely on the outline to define the teaching objectives and share them in bilingual form. Syllabus, goals, unit content.Under the common goal, the Chinese teaching team pays attention to the solid foundation of the academic foundation, the Western teaching team pays attention to the exploration and divergence of mathematical thinking, and the dual-tracking jointly cultivate students' academic and inquiry ability.


  1.2 Activity-oriented, blending culture into a "Jia- Family"

  Mr. Gu Mingyuan once said: “Students are growing up in activities.” On the BIBA campus, cultural activities with Chinese and Western characteristics have become the most anticipated moments on campus.Looking back on the wonderful year: We used the "celebrity story" as the context of the traditional Chinese culture year to understand the traditional Chinese culture through ancient and modern times. We take the international day as an opportunity to pay attention to the world with a broad vision and understand the customs and customs of each country. For the media, read the classics of China and the West together in the reading month……The cooperation between the Chinese and Western teaching teams in the activities allows different cultures to coexist, In symbiosis, to integrate, and truly create the most natural international bilingualism for Haijia students and surroundings. Grow up at the event and learn to unite, collaborate and work hard in exciting extracurricular classes.Since its inception, BIBA extracurricular classes have always been loved by parents and students.In the past three years, BIBA's extracurricular classes have grown at a rapid rate of 306%, and more than 140 extracurricular classes have given students more exciting choices and extracurricular life.

  Decoding "love and happiness" to create a common education belief

  In the system of international education, how can we lead the tide, gather all forces, and promote educational change.The annual summary meeting led us to find the best answer.

  At the conference site, the school's academic and management teams conducted group-based discussions on different topics, and explored community culture on the topics of “global community”, “love and communication”, and “happiness” to decode “love and happiness”.

  As the participants shared: "BIBA's love is not only the love of the community, but also the love of the school. It is also the love of nature and the love of the family. From the perspective of peace of mind, to care for others. Let the teachers enjoy the happiness of education. Students enjoy a happy education, pay attention to students' emotional and social development, focus on language development, and take students as the foundation to train students with 4R+10A BIBA graduation literacy." "A group of people, a family; an attitude, a habit, a persistence. Co-location, mutual support, wonderful power will automatically bless the school, build dreams for more people." In this bilingual summary meeting of international education In addition, there are both the output of the management ideas of the East and the West, and the sharing of experiences between different Chinese and foreign educational concepts. The confrontation of different cultures reaches a consensus on the concept of “incentive, guidance, and cohesion”, and the centripetal force of the leadership drives the centripetal force of each team. Use the power of education, cooperation, mutual assistance, harmony, and progress to create a common educational belief.


  Grasp the education temperature, let love fall to the details

  The good management can unite the power of the collective, and the temperature of education is more reflected in the details. Zero-distance, sincere and respectful communication enables the school management team and academic team to build an ecological circle of innovation, vitality, linkage and tolerance, build a smart educational community, learn from each other's strengths, integrate innovation, and put educational concepts into educational details. In the summary meeting, we will look back on the development of the year, continue to innovate and develop in practice, and integrate the concept of integration and innovation into the details. “How to ensure a high quality teaching level?” “How to improve the strategy of bilingual teaching?” “How to lead the growth of the teacher team?” “How to control the details in campus construction?” “How to build a harmonious home-school relationship?” The academic and management teams will discuss the innovation and development of the future campus. Based on the results of the past year, we will improve the quality of service, grasp the temperature of education, and let love fall to the details.

  The summary meeting ended successfully, but the journey of educational innovation did not end."Based on the education culture of Love, we are guided by a unique and lofty educational philosophy." Let us work together and down-to-earth, look forward to next year's excitement, and also look forward to the flourishing development of BIBA Education!

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