
  Dear Visitor:

  On 1 September 2016, The International Department will enter its fourth year stronger and better than ever.After a formative founding period of three years where we successfully implemented a very strong American - Chinese dual academic program in which our students achieved great results on the huikao, AP, SAT, TOEFL, and IELTS examinations leading our first graduating class of 54 students to receive over 220 college offers and more than $1.6 million in scholarship award monies to attend colleges in the USA, Canada, and the UK, we are proud to share our department with you.

  More importantly than their performances on any standardized examinations, our students also achieved exceptional results in their academic coursework conducted equally in both English and Chinese.Our students take pride in the knowledge that they earn realistic grades (based on a scale of standards adopted from expectations at elite independent schools in the United States) in very challenging classes where not everyone can earn an A no matter how hard he or she works.This is a really difficult concept for many of our students and parents to accept or realize is possible at first.Yet, in the western world, a course in which every student can earn an A is thought to be too easy or too low level.Therefore, the courses are taught with demanding expectations, rigorous requirements, detailed writing and lab reports, and lots of projects.The net result is that earning a C or B is considered a very good grade, and earning an A is considered an exceptional grade–reserved only for those very top students who perform far above average.All of this hard work to achieve a realistic grading system and real grades has earned the Department an outstanding reputation with foreign universities who visit our school and know of our reputation.This has allowed our students in the class of 2016 to be accepted into colleges overseas that vastly exceeded the expectations of their parents and our school administration.

  Certainly the support and dedication to the students from our world class, international faculty and leading-edge quality Chinese Class Teachers made this possible.Equally critical, however, was the complete devotion of our parents to their kids and the support for and confidence in the expertise of our department.Most realized quickly that attending classes in our school, rather than spending endless hours at test preparation centers was more beneficial to the their collegiate placement results and fundamental thinking and learning.

  In addition, our department's first graduating class was guided in their college admissions process to great collegiate success by a college counseling plan that began back in tenth grade with general parent and student coaching assemblies held with the college counselors, then transitioned to twice-weekly college counseling classes in the spring of junior year where a complete college application curriculum was set and delivered, and culminated with their assignment to 27:1 ratio of students to counselors in the fall of senior year to guide, advise, and coach them in their actual application process to "best fit" colleges and universities in Australia, Canada, Europe, and the USA. The faculty generated incredibly detailed letters of recommendation based on having taught the students in small class sizes, coached the students in dynamic and interesting co-curricular activities where students individual talents can shine, and advised them as official academic advisors as part of our 3-year-old advisory program based on model programs in exceptional independent schools in the United States.

  We are very pleased with and proud of our students who demonstrate a true passion and love for deep thinking and problem-solving, who work tirelessly to master knowledge and build a strong foundation for future academic success where ever they may go in their future.We know they will leave us as stronger, more thoughtful, and more daring and dynamic young people set to go abroad as excellent ambassadors of their home country and prepared to participate actively in building a great future for this planet and beyond based on their individual strengths and their common bond.

  We welcome you to visit our school and learn all about what we are doing, and why we believe we have the best international program in the city.











